Firm Profile

Firm Profile

Martin Bowen

Martin Bowen is a Chartered Accountant , Chartered Tax Advisor and registered Tax Agent. Martin commenced work in the Australian Taxation Office where he gained a broad range of experience. He then moved into a financial accounting role at BP Developments, which has an interest in the North West Shelf Gas project. While at Arthur Young (now Ernst & Young) Martin completed his professional year to become a Chartered Accountant. As a tax manager, he provided advice to listed and privately owned companies. Since Martin left Ernst & Young to commence in public practice, he has provided advice across a broad range of industries and individuals, small to medium size businesses, and self-managed superannuation funds.

Leda Bowen

Leda Bowen commenced working with the Australian Taxation Office but moved into computer programming and systems analysis with various state government organisations. Leda has a Bachelor of Business in Information Processing. She assisted Martin with commencing his public practice, increasing her involvement until she was working with him full time. At the introduction of GST, Leda specialised in teaching clients to use small accounting systems. She currently provides support and training, together with reviewing client accounting systems.

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